About 'comic free online'|Gender Through Comic Books Free Online College Course
I am an internet junkie, I could waste hours online just surfing the web. Now you can too! Here are the 101 Top Websites where you can surf the web until your vision is blurry, well into the wee hours of the morning. Don't waste your sick days, call in today, and use the time to explore all 101 web sites. Some of these web sites are fun, some are educational, all are a great way to waste time! 101) Rate My Tattoo dot com. At Rate My Tattoo dot com you can view uploaded tattoo photos by catagory or body part and rate the tattoo from 1 to 10. 100) Google Messageboards Messageboards are a great place to meet new people, crazy people, and just plain odd people. You can chat by country, topic, or language. 99) Craig's List dot com Meet local singles, find a house, a new pet, get freebies, and more on Craig's List dot com. Choose your Country, State, or City for local listings. 98) Rate My Poo dot com Yes, you read that right! If you enjoyed rating tattoos you now have 13,000+ new pictures to rate. Make sure you've got access to a bathroom, this one could make you nauseus. (You can thank Google for this one.) 97) Web MD dot com All hypochondriac's unite! Now we have a place to find out exactly what deadly, rare disease we have without going to the doctor's office. Save co-pays, surf Web MD! 96) Yahoo Games Forget hours, at Yahoo Games youn waste days! Choose a game by catagory such as Skill Games, Word Games, and more. Find yourself addicted to a particular game? Download it and play it at anytime. Like at work while your boss is out to lunch. 95) Roots Web dot com Type in your First and Last name and see what information you can find on your family history. Roots Web is hosted by Ancestry.com. 94) Judy's Book dot com Read questions, articles, and product or business reviews by people like you. Judy's Book is a user driven web site that lists business reviews by city. The link will take you to the author's Judy's Book page. 93) Pet Finder dot com Need a new family pet? Pet Finder lists thousands of rescues and shelters throughout the United States. Want a particular breed? Just narrow your search by breed and region and find hundreds of local pets available for adoption. 92) Amazon dot com Got time and money to waste? Shop Amazon dot com, you can find books, music, guitars, shoes, and so much more. 91) Break dot com Watch user uploaded video clips. You never know what you'll find at Break dot com. Register for free and you'll be able to upload your own videos and rate videos posted by other users. Best of all you can make money with your video upload! 90) Movie List dot com Watch movie trailers, teasers, and featurette's. Haven't had enough rating opportunities? After viewing the clip you can rate the clip. You will need QuickTime installed on your computer to view many of the video clips at Movie List dot com. 89) Bodog dot net Need another addiction? Play Poker for free online at Bodog dot net. You will be playing against other online users. Sharpen your game before heading to your local Indian Casino. You will need to register, but registering is free and no credit card is required. 88) Guitar Lessons Online Learn how to play that guitar that you bought while surfing Amazon dot com. 87) Language Translation Type in anything you want and have it translated from English into Chinese, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Japanese, or Koren. Now you can meet singles on Foreign Messageboards! Just be sure it's in one of the above languages. 86) Quadratic Equations Solve all your Quadratic Equations for free online. Just type in your coefficients and click solve. 85) Bible dot com Need to repent after Rating Poo? Solve all your moral issues, read the Bible online in fifty different versions and thirty-five languages. 84) E-Books dot net Don't let your mind go to waste while surfing the web, download an E-Book. E-Books are full length books in electronic form. You may lose your vision trying to read a whole book with just your computer screen, but you will have successfully wasted hours and hey you saved yourself a trip to the library. 83) Da Fonts dot com Not that you'll ever need thousands of different fonts, but it's still a great way to waste time online. Choose a catagory and download your free font in either MAC or PC formats. 82) The Free Site dot com Spend to much money on your internet connection and can't afford the little luxeries? Surf The Free Site dot com for a variety of freebies from product samples to software. 81) Recipe Source dot com Take a break from surfing the internet and fix yourself something to eat, but first you'll hav to find the perfect recipe at Recipe Source dot com, start with the main dish catagory. 80) CIA's Country Factbook Read a bunch of uninteresting facts about many different countries. Your tax dollars hard at work... 79) Federal Citizen Information Center Want to see more of your tax dollars at work? Read or order hundreds of pamphlets and booklets that the government thinks you need to know. 78) Barry's Clipart You never know when your going to need clipart. Plan ahead, download it all now! 77) Background City dot com Now that you have all the clipart that you'll ever need, be sure to fill up the remaining free space on your hard drive with various backgrounds. 76) 50 Megs dot com Put all those clipart and backgrounds to use, build a free web site. Put all the useless information you've learned online into a comprehensive, time-wasting, web site. Maybe your site can be in an article titled 101 Completely Useless Web Sites. Your parents will be so proud! 75) Your Dictionary dot com Browse over 290 dictionaries, increase your vocabulary or just lookup a "big word" that you saw while reading one of your E-Books. 74) Ebonics Translator Use this online Ebonics Translator to help you understand the meaning of the latest Rap songs you've been sampling on Napster. 73) Rate My Puppy dot com Yes, another rating site, but this one let's you rate cute photos of dogs. The furry, four legged kind, not the guy you dated last week. 72) Rate My Kitten dot com I had to list a kitten site, if I listed a doggy site. I would never want to be accused of discrimination. 71) Comics dot com Need a giggle or two to lighten your mood? Read all your favorite comic strips free online. 70) Joke's Place dot com To depressed for comic strips to lift your spirits, try Joke's Place. Choose a catagory and laugh away. 69) Random Web Site dot com Not sure what web site you want to surf? Visit Random Web Site dot com and hit the random link button to be taken to a new web site. 68) Time's Square Cam Love to people watch, but get accused of being creepy? Check out three different camera views of New York City's Time Square. 67) Useless Information "Stuff you never needed to know, but your life would be incomplete without." I actually found a few interesting links here, but as quoted above most of the information is useless, great place to waste time. 66) Blogger dot com Scroll down to the bottom to see a list of recently updated blogs, the list is updated every minute. Got a hobby? Use the search button to find blogs about any subject. 65) Smart Stocks dot com Play the stock market without losing your community college fund. Warning! Lot's of pop-ups. 64) Friends the TV Show Scripts Read user transcribed scripts from the popular Friends TV show. Wow, this one sounds like fun, maybe I should bookmark it... 63) Best Crosswords dot com A new crossword puzzle everyday. You can solve the puzzles online or print them out. 62) Dave's Top Ten Stupidest Lists Tantilizing ideas for using a newspaper, answering the phone, and so much more. So engrossing you'll be sure to waste hours. 61) Chemical Symbol Words Ever wonder how many words can be spelled with chemical symbols? No use to wonder anymore just follow the link. 60) Medical Dictionary dot com Type in your word and voila, the definition pops up. Not sure how to spell a particular medical term? Just use one of the catagories. 59) Dumb Criminals A large collection of true stories about stupid criminals, dumb crooks, and funny crimes. 58) EHow - How to do just about anything. Learn how to watch a basketball game, fill in your eyebrows, and more. 57) Answer Bag dot com Need an answer to what color of eyeshadow to wear with your green and purple polka dot bikini? Post your question at Answer Bag dot com and other users will answer your question. Got answers, not questions? Post answers to other users questions. 56) The Podcast Directory Watch podcasts on just about any topic. You may need to download a viewing software. 55) Mt. St. Helen's Web Cam I never saw more than a static screen, hopefully you will have more luck. 54) Associated Press dot com Don't wait for the evening news, be up to date on every news story. This link takes you directly to th RSS feeds page, I didn't want you to waste time looking for the correct page. 53) Weasel Circus No it's not an actual weasel circus, that is why it is only number 53. Funny pictures of people, animals, evn the President! 52) Geek Horoscopes Geeks and Techies a like will enjoy reading their horoscopes. 51) Metal and Mad Band Name Generator Need a new online alias or trying to name your garage band? 50) Glitter and Glam Band Name Generator Lita Buggles, yup, that's my new name. Watch for me on American Idol... 49) Am I Annoying dot com Rate celebrities and reality show contestants on how annoying they are. My tip, start with Britney Spears... 48) Presidental Distortion Just click and drag to distort the faces of John Kerry, Bill Clinton, or George Bush. This site would be much more fun if I could save my creation! 47) Mad Glibs I used to love doing Mad Libs in the car on long road trips. Now I can enjoy Mad Glibs instead, free online, no parents necessary. 46) Logo Maker Turn any word or phrase you can think of into an animated logo. There are lots of different options to help you create an internet masterpiece. Don't forget to make it an email attachment when your done, only cool use signatures. 45) JavaScript Source Turn your MySpace page into a JavaScript Kingdom. You can add clocks, polls, buttons, games, and on and on. Be proud that your a geek and show off your skills! 44) My Lot Shameless plug: I found this site while searching for sites to list in this article. You can earn money by posting to discussions or starting your own discussions. The link takes you to my referral link and yes I will get some sort of credit if you sign up under me...Hey if we are gonna waste time online we might as well get some cash back! 43)Air Flight Tracking Pick an airport from the list and you can watch all air traffic within 100 miles of that airport. No need for your parents to call, you'll know when they have landed. 42) Defamer dot com LA's gossip rag, get all the dirt on your favorite celebs. Why do we care? What have they done for us lately? Which reminds me, I have to finish writing this article before American idol starts... 41) Microsoft Virtual Earth "Drive" a car around the streets of San Francisco or map any location in the world. 40) Common Errors in English Just because you spend all your time online doe not mean you have to sound unintelligent. Stop by Common Errors everyday and in no time you'll sound like an English Professor, just don't start dressing like a Professor. 39) Old Computers dot net Still haven't updated from a Commadore 64? At Old Computers you can reminisce about your first love, the Wameco QM-1A or watch old TV commercials for some of these original machines. 38) X-Entertainment Enjoy the commercials from #39? Check out more 80's commercials at X-Entertainment. Man, those were the days... 37) The Cat Tailor Hilarious, this is a real Japanese company that sells clothes for cats, not just clothes wigs too! You can check out Japanese Dog clothing also. 36) I Love Bacon dot com Odd photos of people and places. Warning: This site has adult ads. 35) The Smoking Gun: Arresting Images Real mugshots of celebrities, including Nicole Richie and Tonya Harding. The mugshots are broken down into catagories including B-List Celebraties. 34) Found Magazine Ever lost something? This web site and magazine are dedicated to displaying those lost times. Like that love poem your wrote Johnny Depp in sixth grade. 33) MSN Encarta Take quizzes online. Could you win a spelling bee? Find out just how smart you really are! 32) Virtual Stapler dot com You can virtually test three different staplers, buy stapler gear, and download stapler wallpaper. Oh did I mention the stapler poetry? 31) Daily Fashion Why dress like a geek when you can dress like a Diva? Get your daily fashion fix, fashion do's and don'ts, fashion chat, well pretty much anything fashion related... 30) Virtual Kiss dot com Have you truely wasted away your life online and still haven't had that first kiss? Well don't fret, Virtual Kiss is here to help with Kissing 101 and Kissing Do's and Don'ts. Now where was this web site when I was in school? 29) Guess Who Pretend to be a dictator or sitcom star, the computer will ask you a question, you answer yes or no. Kinda like twenty questions. 28) Simpsomaker Make your own Simpson character, add a message, and print your creation. 27) Shave a Yeti Shave your Yeti, then dress him and watch as he travels the world in his new outfit. 26) Spirograph I remember being thrilled when I got a spirograph for my birthday, now I can pass on the tradition to my son... 25) Freecycle Want free stuff from people in your area? Find the nearest group and then watch the list like a hawk to be the first to respond and get free stuff! I got a Fry daddy and twenty CD's from my local group! 24) Dialectizer Visit this web site to translate your text into Redneck, Jive, Hacker, and more. In Redneck: "Viset this web site t'translate yer text into Redneck, Jive, Hacker, an' mo'e." 23) Optical Illusion Enjoy hallucinating? Try this web site. I was to chicken... 22) Rat Tricks You control a rat running on a wheel. 21) Quote Tag dot com Quotes, quotes, and more quotes. 20) Lite-Brite Another great toy I played with as a kid, oh the wonders of the internet. 19) A Day in the life... No explanation, just follow the link... 18) Draw InkBlots Draw inkblots you can even change the color you draw in, oh so cool. 17) Pi Ever wanted to know the full digits in Pi? Can you memorize them all? 16) Draw A Pig: Personality Test Draw a pig and find out what your pig tells about your personality. 15) American Fisheries Society Everything you ever wanted to know about fish. 14) Internet Bumper Stickers I know most of us geeks take the bus to work so we can't make a political statement like car owners can. Wanna bet? Now while your wasting time online you can make a statement, or two, or three, or four... 13) Escapa! An amazingly simple concept, quite addictive, after fifteen minutes I still had made it past 4.69 seconds. 12) The Official Time Waster's Guide Who knew there was an actual technique to this time wasting? 11) The Random Excuse Machine Need an excuse to get out of doing something unpleasant? I'd like to help but I can't because I have to clean my groovy goldfish. Drum roll please...The top ten ways to waste time online: 10) Monk-E-Mail Dress your monkey and type or record your message then send it to your boss to show your appreciation for your internet connection. 9) In 2 TV Why watch TV on an actual television when you can turn on your computer, dial into the internet, open a web browser, type in the url, find the episode you want to watch, and then wait for it to load? Now isn't that easier! 8) RuneScape Why visit with friends when you can play the world's largest online role playing game for free? 7) Flickr Why take the time to get out your own photos when you can search and view thousands of photos of people you don't know? 6) Fark User posted odd links and strange news. "If it's not news it's Fark." 5) Subsurvient Donald Trump Have fantasies about working with Donald Trump? Well now you can! Tell the Donald what to do and he will do it! 4) Falling Sand Try your hand at this game before reading how to actually play. Tell me it's not a total waste of time! 3) Patently Silly Humorous commentary on actual US Patents. Like the No Craps Crap Table and Aerosal Caffine. 2) My Cat Hates You dot com Waste time and enjoy it! At My Cat Hates You dot com you will find photos of cats with hilarious captions. I enjoyed this web site so much I went out and bought the dog. 1) Associated Content dot com The number one way to waste time online, write for Associated Content dot com. Take four days to write a lame list of web sites and get paid twenty bucks (hopefully) for it! |
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Hundreds of Comics and Mangas for free
Pointing you to comic strips, comic books, webcomics, and related videos in a blatant attempt to promote our own comics. (Oh, don't act so surprised.)
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